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Eastern Bird Banding Association

Share Your Research with EBBA!

We are seeking additional speakers and poster presentations on research projects involving banding, tagging, radio tracking, or otherwise surveying birds, especially birds of South Carolina and nearby locations. The available speaking slots are on Saturday, March 1. Talks are generally about 20 minutes long. EBBA is a casual conference, and a great opportunity for students, as well as for those both early and advanced in their career, to share their work with other banders. 

We welcome proposals for both oral presentations and posters. Please send your abstracts to Aaron Given, at

About us

The Eastern Bird Banding Association was established in 1923 and brings together banders across 17 eastern United States and 6 Canadian Provinces to share information, advice, and research. 

Support us in sharing knowledge, resources, and learning opportunities for banders across eastern North America and Canada, and benefit from being a part of the eastern bird banding community. 

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